No art is superior to another one, but every art looks for expertise and perfection. This is life, which continues; this is why there is no death. There is continuation. There is no silence. There is a continuation of thought.Marcel Marceau (1923-2007) |
Helikos School is run by the ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE HELIKOS, a non-profit entity registered at the Ufficio Registro del Comune di Padova, ITALY, with number 16799, on December 22nd, 2008. Since June 2010, Helikos is patrocinated by the City of Florence.
This website is legal property of:
Associazione Culturale Helikos
Riviera San Benedetto 112/4, 35139 PADOVA, ITALY
Phone +39 349 7130121
Codice Fiscale: 92214000280
Helikos is legally represented by Giovanni Fusetti, President of the Associazione.
All unauthorized use of pictures contained in this website is illegal.
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