Commedia dell'Arte is the childhood of theatre. (La commedia dell'arte est l'enfance du théatre.)Jacques Lecoq (1921-1999) |
A theatrical garden of poetic, pedagogic and spiritual practice.
A vision of a research that manifests itself through different forms, emerging from the field of potentials.
Each class, workshop or training program is a pedagogic form. A structure in which students and teachers gather to learn a particular flow.
Then, they depart, to bring the learning into the world and be transformed by the work, over and over. Till the emergence of the next form.
This site is a space of information and communication about my pedagogic and artistic process. Here you can find the calendar of my workshops, trainings and events, as well as some links to various sources and resources connected to my work.
My practice is in a constant evolution, so this web site will be often updated. I invite you to return frequently. If you want to receive my mailing list please email me.
As for everyone in the field of live arts, the Covid Pandemic, has seriously disrupted my work and life, so the calendar of future events is still difficult to plan. These are difficult times. The practice of play, embodiment and collective poetic life, feels more important then ever. I am not teaching on-line, except for some specific classes of pedagogic and movement practice for students and practitioners with whom I have already worked live.
On this page you can find the reasons of my choice.
I wish you all resilience and inspiration, rigor and folly.
May we all find the power and joy of play wherever and whenever it is possible.
Enjoy the website !
If you have any request or comment, please don't hesitate to contact me.
You can send an email to: Giovanni Fusetti
Giovanni Fusetti
Padova, Italy, January 2022
PS: I am not on Facebook or any other social media.
For all information about the HELIKOS SCHOOL
active in FLORENCE, ITALY, between 2010 and 2014
please visit
Helikos is a Greek word that means SPIRAL. As a symbol, the spiral is common to all ages and cultures and has various meanings, all connected with the dynamic of evolution. The spiral represents the cyclical movement that expands outward and inward at the same time.
The spiral expresses extension, cyclical continuity and development, progress in the rotation of creation and perpetual balance between opposite dynamics.
It’s the manifestation of the evolution of a state or a force.
The choice of the spiral as a symbol is connected with the vision of a pedagogy as a form in permanent evolution. The spiral is also a metaphor of the journey of the artist/poet, a journey that is always connected with its beginning while being projected into the future.